The crisis of declining bee colonies and what BeeSure is doing about it

Discover how Beesure helps both local and global initiatives to protect our precious bees and fight fake honey while empowering local communities to flourish.

Challenges Faced by
Bees and Beekeepers

Bee populations have decreased worldwide in recent decades due to habitat loss, air pollution, and changes in weather patterns, among other factors. 
Buying local honey supports small-scale beekeepers in keeping the bees alive, healthy, and resilient, along with sustaining their family-owned and operated businesses. These beekeepers rely on honey sales for their livelihoods, and purchasing directly from them guarantees they receive fair prices for their hard work. 

One of every three bites humans consume comes from a source that needs bee pollination

Pollination occurs when bees move from one plant to another, fertilizing the plants - fruits, vegetables, and seeds. It also creates shelter and vital food sources for millions of species, not just humans, supporting the area's biodiversity.

of crops aren't visited
by enough pollinators

Leading to healthy food shortages and prices driving up. Thankfully, the pollination deficit can be reversed through proper beekeeping. Additionally, the carbon footprint can be lowered when honey is produced and sold locally.

The societal impact of beekeeping - Empowering rural communities.
European beekeepers experience yearly losses, and our mission is to boost bee populations and maintain nature's balance, helping beekeepers and their families stay in their communities. 
Every time you buy local honey, you're helping to create a more sustainable and connected community where the health of bees and humans are closely linked. 

Connecting nature with technology -
Using hive data to make a difference

We are dedicated to protecting biodiversity through innovative technological solutions, focusing on pollinators essential for the environment. By combining satellite data and in-field sensors, we were able to gain a comprehensive understanding of bee colonies and environmental health.

Our development of advanced technologies and AI-driven solutions for beehive monitoring, regeneration, and certification has empowered both beekeepers and businesses.
BeeSure technology makes beekeeping more sustainable by reducing the workload for beekeepers and improving yields through data-driven optimization. Additionally, it provides companies with real-time insight and reports to ensure the origin and purity of the honey.

Our team and its goals

We are 3rd generation beekeepers with five years of experience in precision beekeeping solutions development, driven by innovation and positive impact on local beekeeper communities.

Our vision is to combine technology with nature to create a future where beekeeping is sustainable, profitable, and impactful both environmentally and socially.

The project BeeSure aligns with several United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including:

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Zero Hunger
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Good Health and Well-being
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Decent Work and Economic Growth
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SDG 12
Responsible Consumption and Production
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SDG 15
Life on Land

Join Us in Creating a Sustainable Future for Beekeeping